
About Cameroon Desk Academy

Cameroon Desk Academy is an online training platform, which allows you to improve your skills on key topics related to your profession. Our training courses are flexible and adapted to all categories of people.  Our platform highlights, courses dealing with key themes, the professional world. This allows you to boost your resume and be more impactful in the field.
Once registered, you will be able to follow your training, freely at your own pace, while benefiting from a follow-up and a coaching of the trainers.


The platform Cameroon Desk Academy is interactive, dynamic and adapts on various media (screen, tablets, smartphones).

With the advent of modern methods of technologies, young Cameroonians can achieve greater success and make significant impact, if presented with training opportunities that align with their potentials and ambitions.

The challenges of conquering poverty and achieving truly sustainable development in the coming decades compel us to work together. With partnership, leadership and wise investments in education, we can transform individual lives, national economies and our world, for sustainable development begins with education.

Sustainable Development Goal 4 is a call to “ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.” Cameroon Desk, thus, is working to archieve this goal.

Our Objectives

  • Create a supportive culture, for transformative learning to occur through mentoring.
  • Use of e-learning platform in vocational training as an element of enriching the educational school offer.
  • Encourage youth’s self-employment by transforming their skills into businesses and job creators using internet tools
  • Substantially increase the number of youth and adults who have skills, including technical and vocational skills, for employment, decent jobs and entrepreneurship.
  • Strengthening in higher education with a focus on professional preparedness, in science, and technology
  • Promoting economic development and shared prosperity through investing in education and developing human resources in the developing world.

At Cameroon Desk Academy, you can;

  • Benefit from online training courses dispensed by professional trainers and tutors
  • Join hundreds of trainers, share your online experience, and generate revenue for yourself. https://cameroondeskacademy.com/devenir-formateur/
  • Our programmes therefore compliment formal education because it equips recent graduate, job seeker with practical tools necessary to enter the job market or to become a job creator.
  • Youth will learn how to transfer knowledge in various ways and gain competence in the use of tools, which are freely used by the contemporary generation

Why you should choose Cameroon Desk

  • Thousands of Cameroonian have benefited from Cameroon Desk services and more keep benefiting.
  • We connect our passion for education with our desire of helping others.
  • We are intelligent and we constantly try to improve our own community’s quality of life by investing in Education.
  • Cameroon Desk Academy, sees quality education as a means to transform  youths to great leaders and entrepreneurs.

”At Cameroon Desk, we connect our passion for education with others.”

Cameroon Desk Academy


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